The Court

Family Court  is a specialized court of the state Unified Court System, with one located in each county of the state, including Warren County.  Each county has at least one Family Court Judge.  Last year the Legislature created a new, second Judge for Warren County.  Sessions are held in the judicial wing of the Warren County Municipal Center. 

Family Courts hear cases involving children and families.  They handle issues such as child abuse and neglect (child protection), adoption, child custody and visitation, domestic violence, guardianship, juvenile delinquency, paternity, persons in need of supervision (PINS), and child support. 

Family Court does not have jurisdiction over divorces, which must be litigated in State Supreme Court.  County Court, which handles criminal matters,  typically hears domestic violence cases, that is, crimes against intimate partners (whether opposite- or same-sex).  Under New York law family offenses only include those related by blood, actual marriage (common law marriage is not recognized in New York), or a child in common.

The decisions made in Family Court are of critical and often life altering or even life saving importance in the life of a child, where judges must seek solutions that are in the child's best interests and needs.    Sensitivity to and awareness of children and their needs is necessarily of critical importance in a judge, qualities Rob Smith has amply demonstrated over the years.