Thursday, May 5, 2016

Law Day breakfast dedication ceremony for the late and Hon. J. Timothy Breen.

After spending the morning with fellow colleagues, and the winning Lake George Moot Court team for breakfast, I was privileged to be able to take part in a special plaque dedication ceremony in Family Court, in recognition of the late Hon. J Timothy Breen.  The ceremony highlighted not only Judge Breen's professional accomplishments, but it reminded us all of the compassionate and loving man that he was, and why he is so missed.  As the Legislative Resolution pointed out, throughout his impeccable career, Judge J. Timothy Breen was governed by a keen sense of duty and always showed a unique grasp of human problems.  He was a tireless advocate for young people and was committed to excellence.  His passion for his work has always has been, and will continue to be, an inspiration to me. Thank you, Hon. Paulette Kershko, and my Family Court family, for organizing this joyful event and sharing it with Judge Breen's family.  It was special to witness. 

Lake George Moot Court team with mentor, Attorney Robert Gregor. 

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